Seine Walks

Seine Walks

It’s the Summer Solstice and I’m finding myself inspired to write about seasons again. This time we’re beginning the season of late sunsets and endless activities offered by the Mairie. Last year more than ever before, I really noticed how much the Mairie does to keep people entertained during the summer – from outdoor movies at parks to Paris Plages to the Tour de France finale to all they do along the Berges de Seine; there really is something for everyone. One of my favorite things to do during the summer, in fact, is to wander along the Seine both early in the morning and late in the evening. The truth is, summer days in Paris feel like they’ll never end. When the sun doesn’t say adieu until nearly 11pm, you feel like you can stay up forever taking in all the sights and sounds. Parisians are notorious for their mass exodus in summer, but I find these long days to be best spent in Paris along the Seine taking photos and enjoying the low sun. If your summer plans bring you to Paris, be sure to allow some space in your agenda for some impromptu wanderings along the Seine for views like this....
Paris in Springtime

Paris in Springtime

Well, we are officially under a week until our big launch date. The date that the book would be available, and the coinciding party to celebrate it, were booked (no pun intended) and changed and rebooked and eventually settled upon. How appropriate that My Paris Story is coming out in the season Paris is best known for: Spring. If you haven’t seen it in person, you have likely seen it in photos. It starts with a few crocuses around town (I think I spotted my first ones this year in Parc Monceau), then the magnolias start popping open (my favorite being the one along Quai Saint-Bernard next to the unfortunate orange “art” structure. The crowning glory, however, is when the cherry blossoms open. There is this feeling of the heavens opening up above and leaving beautiful pink and white pillowy clouds hanging above. You pop into squares and parks you usually pay little attention because… is that a blossoming branch you see just over there?! You suddenly feel like taking up flower pressing as a hobby because you want to keep that beautiful delicate flower for all posterity. You even feel drawn to sit on that filthy looking bench just because it has an extraordinary view of a Haussmanian building framed in pink blo oms. Then anxiety and dread set in. The beauty of the city will remain, but you’re reminded that the fluffy dangling ornaments will not last forever. How do you reconcile the situation? You do what I do and shoot cherry blossoms and any other bud or flower for a month straight or until the last sign...