Rebuilding the Core

Rebuilding the Core

What is it to rebuild your core? When everything falls to pieces. Unraveling, ever so slowly, down the spindle, like yarn that has lost its way.

Do you build it back, one by one, with an ever cautious care and patience? Or do you throw it in, all at once, saying, “You’re stronger than this. Onward.”

No, the spirit is much too fragile for force. It needs your attention, and ever loving care.

Disk by disk, one vertebra a time, the spine regains it strength. But only when it knows that you are listening.

Do you hear me?

Do you feel me?

Are you listening?

I am you, and you are I. We have to work together, or we will no longer stand. We will crumble.

One by one, step by step, you start to regain strength. You take a deep breath and feel your organs start to support themselves, the ribs expanding like wings, allowing for room to grow.

The pain weakens and you start to hear the signs of your own body telling you, that’s enough. Slow down. Let’s do this together.

And then one day, you have refound strength. Life still comes and goes, like waves, some more violent than others. But somehow you’re more fluid, more flexible, to bend and turn and let the waves carry you, instead of fighting against them.

But how do you rebuild the heart? The most fragile of them all, where the waves are deep inside, and knock you over to your knees.

Newly supported by its frame, will it be enough?

Day by day, step by step…

What is it to rebuild your heart?

1 Comment

  1. So fragile and beautiful Rebecca. Keep going girl, step by step will take you to the summit. The view is waiting for you. xo


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