I am not Charlie

I am not Charlie

I am not Charlie Or about the freedom to do vs the freedom to be I have met my dear friend Margot, amazing writer and author of the previous post “The Freedom to Offend” last week over lunch. We talked a bit about the article in progress, the events, world issues (and us, well of course). We agreed the topic would be even more interesting if open to discussion. Just for the heck of it. Well, elle est confused, je suis confused aussi. Any problem on the table – as clear as it may seem at a first glance-, put in front of another point of view becomes a riddle. Should we need the freedom to feel we are better than others, in other words to offend; the freedom to become dependant on something – like porn or marihuana for example- in order to feel free ( isn’t that called a pleonasm btw?) And the theorem can be applied to a countless number of equations. Endless ways of splitting the hair in four, as an old Romanian saying would go. I often refrain from commenting on opinions different from my own because I believe everyone has the right to feel and believe as they find fit, as long as that does not hurt anyone. And maybe because I am not sure my point is the good one given I do not always necessarily study the case from all angles. But hey, sometimes is fun to have “elevated” conversations like this one, so hop on. I felt, undoubtedly like pretty much any human being on the planet, that the attacks...