Perfect Sunday Walk in Paris

What gets one out of bed on a Sunday morning? Well, if you’re in Paris, the choices for how to spend the day are not only plentiful but also relaxing a restorative. Here are a few tips on how to spend your Sunday… Stop by any of the local marchés to pick up raw snacks and a baguette for a picnic later. A leisurely stroll through St. Germain. Even though most shops are closed on Sundays, it’s fun to window shop (or faire du lèche-vitrine!) and avoid the crowds that fill the sidewalks the rest of the week. Head to Parc Monceau on the border of the 8th and 17th arrondissements, where it will be filled with children playing and picnickers. Plant yourself with a loved one beneath a beautiful tree and sprawl out for hours as you take in yet another beautiful scene of our beloved...

Paris Conciergerie at Night

Beautiful Pont au Change and the Conciergerie from the quai many years ago, Sometimes all you need is a walk along the Seine and to see the sparkling Eiffel...